Thursday, April 30, 2020

Loving to Learn Again

I consider myself a lifelong learner. In fact, I went back to school at age 45 to get a Ph.D., and in a few short days, I’ll finish my program and people will call me Dr. Jones. One thing I’ve discovered during this time of quarantine and crisis is that continuing to challenge myself and learn daily keeps me balanced and honestly, happier.

As the spring semester comes to a close, you may find yourself either relieved to be finished with classes or truly frightened to face the summer with even more time on your hands. In uncertain times we tend to cling to those things that give us structure. I know I have. I’ve written and rewritten my dissertation more times than I can count, but each time I learned something. No, I didn’t just learn how to cite an author or run statistics. I learned that commitment and determination aren’t intuitive; they are learned behaviors.

This summer discover or rediscover your love of learning. Find out what that process looks like for you. For me, it means reading books that help me develop as a person, watching videos that teach me how to get my puppy to stop dislocating my shoulder every time I take her for a walk, and that cooking healthy meals is nourishing in more than one way. I’ve learned that taking time for myself and my passions, fills my cup to the rim, allowing me to pour into others.

So what does that mean for you? I encourage you to self-reflect on what you are interested in or passionate about. Think about what you value and what can bring added value to your life. Write a list of the things that are important to you. Brainstorm and dream about where you want to be in a year. Imagine what a post-COVID19 life looks like. Then write it all down, create a vision board, or type up your ideas.

Next comes the research. Reach out to family and friends that are subject matter experts on your topics or passions. Get on the web and see what it takes to be a certified scuba diver, a published author, or a non-profit volunteer. Google it, because you know there is a website, an Instagram influencer, or YouTube video out there somewhere with more information.

When you have your idea and you’ve done your research, then comes the hard part. Doing the thing!

Pick up a guitar, read about quantum physics or the rain forests, write in the journal on your desk, or start training for that 5K. You are the only one standing in the way of your learning. So get out of your own way, find your passion, research your dream, and then make them a reality. Learning day by day is the art of personal development, and I want each of you to be your best selves. Think you have learned all you can in the classroom and from life? Well, a great philosopher named Tupac Shakur once said, “Even the genius asks questions.” So all you geniuses out there ask yourself the hard questions and commence with the learning.

By Dr. Wynde Jones - Wynde is the Assistant Vice President of Student Connections at The University of Southern Mississippi 

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